
There are 10 attributes:

(1) HP (Hit Point): When a Hero gets attacked, his/her HP drops. When it drops to zero, the Hero will exit combat.

(2) DEF (Defense): Reduce the physical damage received by the Hero.

(3) RES (Magic Resistance): Reduce the magic damage received by the Hero.

(4) ATK (Attack): Increase the physical damage caused by the Hero. Physical damage may cause Critical Damage, be dodged by the target, or miss the target.

(5) LUK (Lucky): Increase the chance of discovering rarer goods in adventures.

(6) MP (Magic Point): Initial magic point at the start of the combat.

(7) ASPD (Attack Speed): A Hero's attack frequency.

(8) MPMAX (Magic Point MAX): Decide the Hero' frequency of using skills. Low MPMAX indicates low skill consumption, meaning the Hero can use skills more frequently.

(9) RNG (Attack Range): Determine the Hero's attack range.

(10) CRT (Critical Rate): With CRT, the Hero has the chance to cause additional physical damage in normal attacks.

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